Tips & Recipes

How to stay healthy (and fit) at home

5 tips with Dr. Kevin Sprouse

March 24, 2020

We caught up with Kevin Sprouse, our Head of Medicine this week, to get his 5 tips for trying to stay healthy — physically and mentally — during the age of COVID-19, quarantines, and stay-at-home work.

1. Establish a routine.

Don’t approach the days at home with a “snow day” mentality. Plan your days with intention. Don’t approach each day as an open calendar that you will simply fill as you go. Right now, plan your workouts, your meetings, your school work, even your diet. Have goals and schedule your time appropriately just like you would during a “normal” work week.

“Rather than look at this forced downtime with a “snow day” mentality, let’s take it as an opportunity. The initial inclination may be to sit back and indulge a bit. But how often do you get a chance to streamline your daily routine and instead focus on your health and performance? I don’t mean to suggest that the next weeks and months should be spent solely on one’s own athletic pursuits, but taking care of yourself in this time is important.

2. Eat (and drink) well

“This should mirror your training goals. You will be home, in your own kitchen, for weeks. How often does that happen!?! Take advantage of this. Where possible, focus on whole, unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods. On the road, you sometimes have limited control over your options. Right now, you are probably able to control more of your diet.

Make sure you vary your meals. While this might be easier said than done as most grocery stores are low on various produce and food items, eating the same prepackaged meal every day isn’t ideal from a health perspective. An easy way to do this is to eat a couple different colored fruits or vegetables every day if you’re able.”

3. Sleep well

“Sleep and recover. Chances are you’re working from home more, or not commuting or traveling — try to use some of that extra time to rest up. For people who are normally on the road a lot, you now have the opportunity to train hard, eat well, spend quality time with your family, and sleep in your own bed.”

4. Exercise!

“You now have an extended period of time which you must actively choose how to allocate. You can prop up your feet, watch Netflix, and try all the latest Ben & Jerry’s flavors. Or, you can double-down on your own health and fitness. For our riders it is unprecedented to have a sudden off-season in the middle of our competitive calendar. For us non professional athletes, it’s a chance to have more consistency than we otherwise would when our schedules are full of long commutes, school pickups, and extra hours at work. Just be sure to be safe, consider indoor training options like Tacx or Zwift. Always follow your local guidelines, and if you are allowed outside to exercise keep that distance between yourself and others — even if this means going super early, or at off-peak times.”

5. Take care of personal hygiene

This one might seem obvious, but it’s really easy to forget especially when spending a lot of time at home. Not only will this boost your mental and physical health, it’ll greatly decrease the chances of spreading any diseases.

“Basic hygiene is massively important, always. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (sing the chorus to your favorite song at least twice) or clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Wipe down surfaces often. Don’t touch your face. Cover your cough and sneezes with your elbow. These things can’t be overstated.”

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