Tips & Recipes

Team recipe: Kale salad and salmorejo recipe

Our team chef shares one of the team’s favorite post-ride meals

July 6, 2020

It’s no secret that our riders eat a lot when they’re racing, especially during a three-week Grand Tour.

Rice is obviously a staple in their diets because of the carbohydrates, but what you might not know is that foods like soup and salad also help keep the team fueled.

“During the first week of a Grand Tour, salads are really important. The riders’ diet consists of a lot of rice and pasta, so in order for them to get all the nutrients they need, you’d also have to give them salad. Normally, I use this salad recipe every day and for every meal during the first week of a Grand Tour,” explains our team chef, Olga Belenko.

“Soups are also a great way for the riders to get some extra nutrients,” says Olga. “We know the riders like salads, but after a while they need veggies in other forms.” Soups are a great way to keep things interesting and give more of a variety to their diet.

Usually, a typical meal at a big race will start with a soup and a salad and then a rice dish along with some protein. For most of us out there that aren’t riding over 100 miles for three weeks straight, this wouldn’t be a sustainable diet. Olga assures us that the salad and the soup are more than enough to get you full, even after a long ride or workout.

Salmorejo is a traditional soup from the southernmost region of Spain, Andalusia, where the scorching summer days make cold meals all the more appealing. Like many recipes in Spain, salmorejo was born out of the necessity to use all the leftover ingredients found in a pantry, and you do not need the freshest bread or tomatoes for this to taste great. The beauty of this dish is that it’s not only refreshing, but full of carbs from the bread which makes it a perfect post ride meal. Accompanied with a fresh kale salad, you might even call this a perfect meal on any day.

Kale salad recipe


For 6 people
Preparation time: 15 min

For the dressing

1 Tbsp honey

1 Tbsp whole grain mustard

1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

4 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil + a little extra for garnish.

For the salad

250gr kale cleaned and cut into 1-2 inch pieces

4 radishes cut in half moons

2 carrots peeled and cut in half moons

1 small cucumber peeled and cut in half moons

10-12 cherry tomatoes cut in half

2 avocados cut in slices

50 gr sunflower seeds

50 gr pumpkin seeds

50 gr dried cranberries

50 gr roasted almonds

200 gr goat cheese cut in small pieces (optional)


For dressing: add all the ingredients to a plastic or glass container with a lid. Mix all ingredients together until smooth by closing the lid and shaking. Taste and season with more salt and pepper if desired.

For the salad: Using a big bowl add the dressing to the kale and massage the dressing into the kale for 5 min. This is a pro tip Olga learned from retired EF Pro Cycling rider Taylor Phinney. Massaging the dressing into the kale will greatly improve the texture of the kale which can be quite harsh otherwise without it getting soggy.

Once the kale is at a consistency you are happy with, add the radish, carrots and cucumber and mix together gently.

Plate salad and garnish with rest of ingredients (tomatoes, avocado, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cranberries, almonds and goat cheese).

Sprinkle some “golden drops” of olive oil on top.

Soup Recipe “Salmorejo”


For 6 people
Preparation time: 15 min

For the Soup

150ml. Extra virgin olive oil

1kg ripe tomatoes, stem removed

200gr dry/stale bread (fresh bread works too)

1 peeled garlic clove

2 tsp salt

For garnish (optional)

4-6 hard boiled eggs diced

200 gr jamon or bacon diced into small pieces


Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Place the mixture in refrigerator to cool for at least 1h.

Serve cold, garnish with egg, “jamon” and sprinkle a few “golden drops” of olive oil on top.

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