
Our 2024 Tour de France roster

It’s going to be an exciting July. We're going for stage wins.

June 24, 2024

It’s time for the Tour de France.

Alberto Bettiol, Neilson Powless, Ben Healy, Marijn van den Berg, Rui Costa, Sean Quinn, Stefan Bissegger, and Richard Carapaz will race the 2024 Grand Boucle for EF Education-EasyPost.

Every one of them is a winner. From the Grand Départ in Florence, Italy to the grand finale in Nice on the Côte d’Azur, they are going to light up this year’s Tour de France in attacking style, chasing stages at every opportunity. Our 2024 Tour team balances youth with experience, strength in the windswept vineyards and sunflower fields of middle France with climbers born to fly up sweltering cols in the Pyrénées and Alps. Sit back this July, because we won’t. From stage one to 21 of this year’s Tour de France, every day will be an opportunity for EF Education-EasyPost.

It’s going to be an exciting summer.

Before the Tour gets started in Florence, hear from our riders.

Alberto Bettiol

My first race in my new Italian champion’s jersey will be in Florence, my hometown, at the start of the Tour. It’s going to be very, very special. The Grand Départ will be crazy beautiful. I know the roads really well. I want to win a stage at the Tour. I’ve been close before and know I can do it. This year is really important for me. I’m not super young anymore. I don’t have too many years in front of me. Winning the Italian championship was a goal and another goal is to win a stage in the Tour de France. I have to make the most of all of the opportunities I get. To win in this jersey would mean a lot to me. You have to be ready and you always have to fight, because winning in the Tour is not like winning in any other races. It's doubly hard to win a stage at the Tour, especially for an all-rounder like me. I think the team is making a smart choice to go for stages. It is going to be fun and really exciting.

Neilson Powless

I think this was probably the hardest year I've had yet with injuries and illnesses, so I'm just excited that I was able to overcome that and still race the Tour de France. Nationals and the first half of the Dauphine reassured me that I'm back to a really high level after the rocky spring. I'm going into the Tour with high ambitions and big goals. I really want to win a stage this year. I still haven't gotten one. Winning a stage is my first and foremost goal, and I think I've got the fitness to do it. It's just about getting it right on the day, just following the right moves and using my energy wisely. I think everyone on the team is eager to take their shot. Every one of us has something to prove. We haven't had the smoothest spring as a team and everyone is chomping at the bit to make up for that.

Ben Healy

The Tour is the biggest race there is and I am really excited for it. It's a pretty big milestone. The first step is making it to the WorldTour and the next is going to a Tour. I'd love to try and win a stage. That’s what I'm good at. That’s what I want to go and try to do. I need a pretty hard day out with a hard finish. Stage one looks really good for me, but there are a few towards the end of the second week as well. Since the Ardennes, I've knuckled down and done the altitude camps and some good races. The preparation has gone well for me. I’m excited that we’re going to get to go for our own opportunities. There will be days when I’m really suffering. I will just go all-in on the days when I’ve got to go all-in and save my legs on the others, when our other guys will be going for it.

Marijn van den Berg

Going to the Tour is something I had always dreamed of. When I was a kid, we would often go on holidays to France in July and watch the race. We would watch it in a bar or on a terrace. That’s the thing I remember the most, my brother and my dad and I would do a ride and then go to the swimming pool and then watch the race afterwards . I would be super happy if I got a bottle from a rider and always be a big fan of that rider because of that. Now, to maybe become the guy who does the same thing is a strange feeling actually. You watch it as a kid, and it's super special and now you are a part of it. It shows that hard work pays off. I hope we can get some stage wins with the team. For me personally, there are a few stages that suit me, so I will definitely focus on those, and then help the other guys on the others to get them in the best position possible to go for stage wins as well. I will have some chances of my own, but also help the team. My friends at home who don't have a lot of knowledge about cycling always ask if I have done the Tour. Now, finally, I will be able to say yes.

Rui Costa

It’s going to be an honor for me to represent my country and wear the colors of Portugal at the Tour. Since joining EF I always wanted to have the Portuguese flag on my EF jersey. That was one of my ambitions this year. Now, when I wear the jersey at the Tour, I will have accomplished two dreams. I went through a lot after my crash this spring. I worked very hard to get fit for the Tour and to get selected for it. In the end, it worked out and I’m super grateful for the selection and that the team believes in me. I will do my best to fight for a stage, fight as a team and get wins for the team. It’s the most important race of the year. The level of the Tour is a level that you can’t experience in any other race of the season. The team looks very strong, and there are many stages for us. This will be our focus, to go and hunt for stages. I believe we will win. We will get a big one this year.

Sean Quinn

I feel like I've been waiting for this moment forever. So, I’m really pumped. The Tour is the reason I started chasing the dream of being a professional in the first place. Getting selected is an achievement in itself. I think it's probably my most proud accomplishment so far. Wearing the stars-and-stripes jersey is going to be sweet. It's an opportunity to represent the country on the world's biggest stage. I will just do my best and try to make everyone proud, because I will be representing a lot of people by flying that flag. The race starts in Italy, where I raced a ton as an amateur and I know that area super well, and then it finishes in Nice, which is where I live now, so we’re going full circle. If I could win a stage myself, that'd be pretty epic. We’ll see how many opportunities I get, because I will also be helping the other guys. I'm just happy to be there, but the big dream would be to win a stage. For all my friends, it's the only bike race they actually know so they're going to be pretty pumped to see me. They will be like, ‘okay, so you're actually a real cyclist.’ My parents have seen me work at it for many years. They're super pumped about it. They know they played a big part in the journey as well and are really proud of me.

Stefan Bissegger

We’re going to go for stage wins, so I'm going to try my best and hopefully come back with a nice result. I like the first TT. I would like to tell my son that I won a stage at the Tour. That’s the goal. Just riding is one thing, but I don't participate just to be there. I want to perform. The Tour is such an important race. I always watched it with my own father, all the cycling races, but especially the Tour. We watched it basically every day. For sure, he is super proud. The Tour is never easy. It's also always different than you expect it to be. There is always tension in the bunch, and so much more media and so many more spectators. It's a lot more stressful for us riders. I will drink my coffee in the morning and try to be relaxed. Good coffee in the morning and then it should all be great.

Richard Carapaz

I’m now back, working hard, and not only prepared, but also excited for this Tour. The Tour is the Tour, and it’s always emotional. After my crash at Suisse, I got sick. My form will arrive late, but I will give my best for this Tour de France. My preparations before the crash were very good. The first week will be very hard, but I will try to get through it as best as possible. Winning a stage is super important. In the last editions, I was very close, so winning one would be very important for me, but also to the team and everyone who prepared for that moment. It would be the result of hard work and perseverance. Last year was tough. I had to go home. This year we’re going for it again. Everyone around me knows how much I’ve worked for this. We have a strong, versatile team. We can win on all sorts of terrain. The Tour is the best race in the world. It creates many emotions and that’s what makes it special.

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